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On flu bugs and getting back to reality

I won’t lie. This past month has been hard. I’m not here to whine. Sometimes it is a part of self-care to acknowledge your energy is low and say it’s okay not to be running at 100% all the time. I got my second Covid shot on April 15th and immediately got sick. Not with Covid. I took the test and it came back negative. I must have been incubating some other nasty thing for a week or so before the shot. In any case, I’ve been sick with something since then and not something that takes down most people. For yours truly, though, respiratory illnesses slay me. Forget wrestling with inspiration or preparing for classes. Just cooking dinner was a challenge or cleaning the house or any number of usual things that when let go accumulate and with the accumulation comes the sinking feeling that it’s all going to be a lot to catch up on if and when your energy comes back.

When you’re sick for a month, you begin to wonder if you’ll ever feel good again. It is a dark depressing thought which goes along with being unwell. The reality is, body is meant to heal itself, and each body recovers from these medical insults on a schedule all their own. It’s been four weeks and I am an impatient soul. Do I really need to stop again today for yet another nap? Perhaps I should calm down and rest already. The world will keep turning without me.

Thank you to all my students who rolled with the cancelled classes this past month. One student said, “Don’t worry. We’ll be back when you are ready to be back.” Thank goodness for that. See you soon for a whole new round of good stuff which is now finally updated on my website. Take a look and make a date with me. It’s time to fun doing art together again. Seeing you again will cheer me up to no end.

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